First blog post

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for film. As a young girl I grew up watching classic musicals with my grandparents and became completely obsessed with all of the songs and dances. In middle school, I began watching Bollywood films and was entranced by the many songs and dance numbers, as well as the language and the many turns one 3 and 1/2 hour film could take. Now, as an adult, I find my taste in movies transcends all genres, in short, I love all kinds of films.

There are many factors that lend to my passion for films. I truly love how much one can learn about culture, history, and even people through film. The knowledge that can be attained through watching films is invaluable, and the way in which films can broaden even the narrowest of minds, is truly amazing. What really drives my passion though, is a film’s ability to completely immerse me into its story. No matter how terrible my day may be going or what kind of stressful thoughts may be plaguing my brain, once I watch a movie, I find that I forget all of my troubles and that I become fully engrossed with the tale that is unfolding on the screen. That, to me, is what all great films are capable of and really, that is one of their main purposes. The audience should be swept up in the events happening on the screen and should be able to imagine themselves leading a life so completely out of the context of their own. A great film should make your dreams seem all the more attainable.

Overall, I wish to share and discuss my love of films with like-minded individuals through this blog. Even though it’s fun to watch and obsess over movies on your own, being able to share that passion and excitement with others is even better. Enjoy!